What is an excerpt? (Block Editor)

Note: This page uses Block Editor. If you are a Classic Editor User, refer this page.

What is an Excerpt

Excerpt is an optional text associated to a Post. Most of the time, it is used as the Post summary.

Gutenberg - Excerpt
WordPress excerpt metabox

Can’t find the Excerpt editing box? Check your Document tab at the right of your page. The Excerpt box is just after the Featured Image section.

Regarding the Theme you are using on your site, Excerpts can be displayed on different pages (search results, archives, etc.).

If Excerpt is empty, WordPress automatically creates an excerpt using the first 55 words of the post.

How to display Excerpts on the Posts page

  1. Go to Settings > Reading.
  2. Scroll to For each article in a feed, show.
  3. Select Summary.

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