WordPress 3.5 Release Candidate 3

The third release candidate for WordPress 3.5 is now available.?We’ve made a number of changes over the last week since RC2 that we can’t wait to get into your hands. Hope you’re ready to do some testing!

  • Final UI improvements for the new media manager, based on lots of great feedback.
  • Show more information about uploading errors when they occur.
  • When inserting an image into a post, don’t forget the alternative text.
  • Fixes for the new admin button styles.
  • Improvements for mobile devices, Internet Explorer, and right-to-left languages.
  • Fix cookies for subdomain installs when multisite is installed in a subdirectory.
  • Fix ms-files.php rewriting for very old multisite installs.

At this point, we only have a few minor issues left. If all goes well, you will see WordPress 3.5 very soon. If you run into any issues, please?post to the?Alpha/Beta area in the support forums.

If you’d like to know what to?test, visit the About page (?→ About?in the toolbar) and check out the list of features. This is still development software, so your boss may get mad if you install this on a live site.?To test WordPress 3.5, try the?WordPress Beta Tester?plugin (you’ll want “bleeding edge nightlies”). Or you can?download the release candidate here (zip).

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